
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Forms Interview Questions

Forms Topics

Form Registration
a.) Download the Template.fmb and modify the form
b.) Design the custom form using Template.fmb
c.) Move the Custom Form to AU_TOP/forms/US
d.) Compile the form and generate the fmx file to respective folder.
e.) Go to Application Developer and define the Form, Function and Menu.
f.) Attach the menu to the Responsibility
g.) Open the form from the Menu --> Responsibility

Compile Form: 
11i: f60gen module=XXCUST.fmb userid=APPS/APPS output_file=$XXCUST_TOP/forms/US/XXCUST.fmx module_type=library batch=no compile_all=special 

R12: module=/u01/oracle/TEST/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/forms/US/XXCUST.fmb userid=APPS/APPS output_file=/u01/oracle/TEST/apps/apps_st/appl/inv/12.0.0/forms/US/XXCUST.fmx module_type=form compile_all=special

Simple Form
Master Detail Form
Query Find 
DFF Form
Folder Form
Tab Based Form
Parameterised Forms
Calling Another Form
Hide Window
Show Window

Content Canvas
Stack Canvas
Tabbed Canvas

Who coulmns
Dynamic LOV
Between Dates
Radio Button
Check Button
List Item
Text Box
Who columns
Program Units

Validation Triggers

Enabling and Disabling

Submitting Concurrent Program (CP)
Calling a Report
Calling a Workflow

Checking Status Monitor

1) Pre-form :   fires just before the form receiving the focus

2) post-form : fires when the focus is lost

3) pre-query : it fires only once

4) post-query : will fire for every row that is fetched

5) new_item_instance : fires immediately after the input focus moves to a different item, if the new item is in a different block, fires after the when_new_item_instance tigger

6) new_form_instance : fires as form start up

7) CALL FROM: it calls the another form, but parent remains active, when called form completes the operation, it release lock and control goes back to the calling form.

8) NEW FORM:  exits the Current form and enters the indicated form, the calling form is terminated as the parent form.

9) OPEN FORM: when you call a form, oracle forms issues a save point for the called form. if the clear-from function clauses a roll back when the called from is current.

9) Table space :  a data base is divided into logical storage unit called table space.

13) DES NAME : Name of the out put device
                              ( FILE NAME, PRINTERS NAME, MAIL USER ID)

14) DES TYPD : To send the report out put
                             ( screen, file,mail)

15) DES FORMAT : is the definition of out put device format (land scape mode for a printer) this parameter is used when running a report in a char-mode
environment, and when sending  a bit-map report to a file(to create Pdf (or) html output)

16) DECODE : Value by value char replacement.(if then else)

17) TRANSLATE : Char by char replacement.

18) Difference between static lov and dynamic lov?
       Static : it contain the pre-determined values.
       Dynamic : it contain values that comes at run time.

16) what is 2-phase commit?
       Is used in the Distributed data base system, this is useful to maintain the integrity of the data base.
       It contains DML statements.
a)     prepare phase :- global coordinator asks participants to prepare.
b)     Commit phase :- commit all participants.

17) what is Row-id?
       -- is a hexadecimal string containing the address of the row.

18) How to change the trigger firing sequence (item, block, form level)?
       -- In the module level set the properties à validation unit.

19) Can u run the report with out a parameter form?
      -- Yes, by setting the PARAM VALUE to NULL.

--Is a physical representation of items, a canvas is a background object on which
   We place the interface objects nothing but items
--every canvas requires a window.
   Types of canvas?
       1) Content:
            a) The content canvas-view is the ‘base’
            b) For each window created, there must be at least one content  canvas-view defined.
         2) Stacked
            a) It is stacked on top of a content canvas –view in a window
            b) More than one stacked canvas-view can be displayed in a window at the same time.
             c) Stacked canvas allow the user to create several special effects,
         3) Tabbed
             a) it organizing a large number of items into a single window in a highly organized way.
             b) This is a content canvas that divides the contents of the window into tabbed pages.
         4) Horizontal
              a)  These are displayed at the top of the window, just below the menu bar
         5) Vertical
                 a) These are present along the left side of the window.

           -- Is a model dialog window to provide run time message to the end user

22) LOV
         ---Is a scrollable popup window to provide a multi column selection to the end user
---Is main feature of lov is search and auto reduction.
---Lov is dependent object on the Record Group

         --- A record group is an internal oracle forms data structure that has a similar columns/rows frame work to a database table.
                         1) Static record
                         2) Query based record group
                         3) Non-query record group

      1) static record
            --- These record groups are created during design time only
            --- These record groups hold the data which is entered during the designing time
1)      query based record group
--- A record group which is derived from sql query that is select statement is query based record group
---these record groups get the data at runtime from the database by the select statement
---these record groups can be created at design time as well as at runtime.
---the values of record group changed programmatically at run time.
2)      non-query record group
--- These record groups are created at runtime only.
--- These record groups are independent of sql query
--- The value of these record groups can change at run time.

       --- A program unit is a block of pl/sql code available in the form of a procedure and 
              Functions are as a package.
       ---  A program unit reduces the code redundancy, which interims into the
             Performance of the application and the application will be the light weight status.

25) Visual attributes
         ---Visual attributes are the font, color, and pattern properties that you set for form
              and menu objects that appear in your application's interface. 

        ---Is one of the separate modules of the forms6i stored with a file extension with
        ---PL/SQL library is a collection of bulk pl/sql code
        ---pl/sql library is independent of form module that is application independent, can
            We called in any form module.
        ---pl/sql libraries consist of
                          1)  Program units
        2)  Attached libraries
        1)  Program units:-
                         These program units are part of the library module and not directly available to form but they can be accessed to the library in to the form
  2) Attached libraries:-
                   This attached library allows you to some other pl/sql module to the current library module, making available all the program units of that library to the current library.

     ---Group of objects
     ---designing a similar kind of object
     ---you define an object group when you want to package related objects, so that you copy or reference them in another module.

    ---Global property sheet
    ---These properties can not change at run time
    ---it allows you to define all related properties of different objects of similar type.

29) Parameters
 Text parameters we can pass single value max 255,
 Data parameters we can pass record group as a parameter type must be defined as data  

30) How u attach libraries
In the Object Navigator, open the desired form, menu, or library module.
            To open a module, choose FileOpen and then specify the module type to open.
 Note:  When you attach a library to a module in Form Builder, you attach the .PLL version of the library. At runtime, Form Builder looks for a .PLX file by that name in the default search paths. If no .PLX file is present, Form Builder uses the .PLL file by that name.
2) Expand the module and then select the Attached Libraries node. Choose
    Navigator Create to attach a library.
3) Specify the name of the library to attach

31) System parameters?
       1) Back ground   2) copies 3) currency 4) decimal 5) des format 6) des name             
       7) Des type 8) mode 9) print job 10) thousands

32) can we change the sequence of firing in the forms?
Yes, 1)item level 2) block level 3) form level

33) Difference between LOV and list item?
       Lov is property, where as list item is an item, a list item can have only one column, lov can have one or more columns.

1)      The sub environments of report builders are:
a)      object navigator
b)      property palette
c)      layout editor
d)     data model editor
e)      parameter form editor

  A) Data model editor:
           --- is the place where we define the report definition
           --- This particular editor consist of different types of data modeling tolls, these are
                 require to design i.e., customize report.

Tools providing:-
a)      sql query
       -- is used to write the select statement which is base for the report

b)     formula column
-- A formula column performs a user-defined computation on another column(s) data, including placeholder columns.

c)      place holder column
       -- A placeholder is a column is an empty container at design time. The placeholder can hold a value at run time has been calculated and placed in to It by pl/sql code from anther object.
       --You can set the value of a placeholder column is  in  a Before Report trigger.
       --Store a Temporary value for future reference. EX.  Store the current max salary as records are retrieved.

d)     summary column
--A summary column performs a computation on another column's data.  Using the Report Wizard or Data Wizard, you can create the following summaries:  sum, average, count, minimum, maximum, % total.
--You can also create a summary column manually in the Data Model view, and use the Property Palette to create the following additional summaries:  first, last, standard deviation, variance.

e)      data link
        -- Data link are used to establish parent-child relation ships between queries and groups via column matching.

f)       Group
      -- Groups determine the hierarchy of data appearing in the report, and are primarily used to create breaks in the report.(group above)

g)      cross product
      -- Mainly it is used for matrix reports.

B) What is Layout model?                                                               
      ---- Layout Model is to physically arrange Data model group objects on the Report. The Report Editor's Layout Model view enables you to define and modify the layout model objects for a report.  In this view, objects and their property settings are represented symbolically to highlight their types and relationships.

A report layout can contain any of the following layout objects

A) Repeating frames
     ---Repeating frames act as placeholder for groups(i.e. repeating values) and present rows of data retrieved from the database
     ---Repeating frames repeat as often as the data is retrieved.
B) Frames
    --- Frames surround other layout objects, enabling u to control multiple objects simultaneously;
    ---Ex: ensuring that they maintain their positions relative to each other in the output.
C) Fields
    ---Fields act as placeholders for columns they define the formatting attributes for all columns displayed in the report. A field is one of the objects that can be located inside  a frame or repeating frame.
D) Boilerplate
    ---boilerplate consists of text and graphics that appear in a report each time it is run
    ---Ex:- a label appearing above a column of data is boilerplate text. Graphics drawn in the layout as well as text added to the layout are boilerplate.
E) Anchors
    ---anchors fasten an edge of one object to an edge of another object, ensuring that they maintain their relative positions.
    ---Ex: you can anchor boilerplate text to the edge of a variable-sized repeating frame, guaranteeing the boilerplate’s distance and position in relation to the repeating frame, no matter how the frame’s size might change.

C) The parameter form editor:
       ---is used to customize the appearance of the runtime  parameter form (a window that that optionally appears at runtime and enables you to enter parameter values that affect report execution)

Runtime parameter form can contain any of the following objects.
A) Fields
    --- Fields in the parameter form editor act as placeholder for parameters. They define the formatting attributes for all parameters displayed in the runtime parameter form.
B) Boilerplate
    --- boilerplate in the parameter form editor refers to text and graphics that appear in the runtime parameter form each time it is run. 

D) What is Header, Body, Trailer, and Footer in Reports                                   
   Header: The header consists of on e or more pages that are printed before report proper.
   The type of Information you might want to print title of the page, company logo and
   address or chart the Summarizes the report.
   Trailer: The trailer consists of one or more pages that print after the report itself, usually used
    for nothing more than an end of report blank page, but also used for a report summary or chart.
   Body: The body is where all the main report objects are placed
   Margin: the report layout only governs the part of the pages designated for the main data   
   portion of the report. The margins are can be used to specify page headers and page footers.

2) Types of reports?
       1) Tabular
              a) column in a table are organized horizontally
       2) form-like
              a) column in a table are organized vertically
              b) displays one record per page.
       3) form-letter
              a) data base values embedded in boiler text
       4) Group left
               a)  this report  divide the rows of a table into ‘sets’ based on a common values  in one of the column, this type of report is used to restrict a column from repeating the same value several times.
       5) Group above
                a) this report contains two are more groups of data, for every value of the master group, the related values of the detailed group are fetched  from the data base.
       6) Matrix
                a) Represents a grid, which relates both the rows and the columns label
       7) Matrix with group
                a) Combination o matrix and break report format.
       8) Mailing label
                 a) with help to address labels on envelopers.

3) Types of report triggers?
       1) Before parameter form
           --This trigger fires before the runtime parameter form is displayed
           -- From this trigger, you can access and change the values of parameters, pl/sql global variables and report level columns.
           -- You can use this trigger for validation of command line parameters.

       2) After parameter form
           --this trigger fires after the runtime parameter form is displayed from this trigger

      3) Before report
        -- This trigger fires before the report is executed but after queries are parsed and data is fetched.

     4) Between pages
         --it fires before each page of the report is formatted, except very first page
         -- This trigger can be used for customized page formatting.

     5) After report
         --this trigger fires after you exit the runtime reviewer, or after report out put is sent to a specified destination, such as file, a printer, or mail id.
        -- This trigger does not fire when you are in the live previewer.

4) Types of triggers? Or different types of triggers in forms are:
      1) Block processing trigger
      2) Master details
      3) Message handling 
      4) Navigational
      5) Inter face event
      6) Transactional

      7) Validation
      8) Query type

                        1) Format Triggers
                        2) Action Triggers
    Format Triggers?
       Format triggers are pl/sql functions executed before the object is formatted It helps to dynamically change the formatting attributes, the function must be written a Boolean values
       We can access the format triggers through program unit.

    Action Triggers?
       Action triggers are pl/sql procedures executed when we select a button(recall button from the layout tool palette) in the reviewer .
       It is mainly used to call another report, it can also execute other pl/sql code
       You can access this trigger through object navigator, or through the property palette sheet.

6) Repeating Frames:
    --- play the part of place holders for groups and rows of data received from the database. It repeats as long as retrieval of data goes on

7) What r the type Models in the system parameters of the report?
      1) Bit map        2) Character mode

8) What is SRW Package?            (Sql Report Writer)             
The Report builder Built in package know as SRW Package  This package extends reports ,Control report execution, output message at runtime, Initialize layout fields, Perform  DDL statements  used to create or Drop  temporary table,  Call User Exist, to format width of the columns, to page break the column, to set the colors
Ex: SRW.DO_SQL, It’s like DDL command, we can create table, views , etc.,
            SRW. SET_FILED_CHAR
            SRW. SET FILED _DATE

Description: this procedure caused report builder to add the referenced object to the pl/sql construct’s dependency list. This causes report builder to determine the object’s value just before firing the pl/sql construct. This is useful when you what to ensure that a column value passed to a user exit is the most recently computed or fetched value.

Description: this procedure display a message with the message number and text that you spacity the message is displayed in the format below. After the message is raised and you accept it. The report execution will continue. MSG-msg_number: msg_text.
          SRW.MESSAGE (msg_number Number, msg_text Char);

9) Matrix Report: Simple, Group above, Nested         
Simple Matrix Report : 4 groups
                        1.Cross Product Group
                        2. Row and Column Group
                        3. Cell Group
                        4. Cell column is the source of a cross product summary that
                           becomes the cell content.
 Frames: 1.Repeating frame for rows(down direction)
                 2.Repeating frame for columns(Across )
                 3.Matrix object the intersection of the two repeating frames

10) what is Flex mode and Confine mode?                                           
Confine mode
On:  child objects cannot be moved outside their enclosing parent objects.
            Off:  child objects can be moved outside their enclosing parent objects.
Flex mode:
            On:  parent borders "stretch" when child objects are moved against them.
            Off:  parent borders remain fixed when child objects are moved against

11) What is the difference between report 2.5 and 6i?
Not web enabled
Web enabled
Low layouts
Additional layouts

12) How do u call a report from a form?

13) Built in’s
       1) Do_key 2) is_null 3) name_in

14) What is live reviewer?
       You can see the results immediately as you make each change in the runtime
15) what r the various master & details relation shops?
      1) Non-isolated: the master can’t be deleted when a child is exist.
      2) Isolated: the master can be deleted when the child is existing.
      3) Cascading: the child gets deleted when the master is deleted.
       Set Repeating Frame Properties : Maximum records per page=1 And it will override group filter property.
       In Data model Layout  , Group Property  Through Filter Type & No of records to display
Property, Values are First, last, pl/sql

17) Difference between Bind and Lexical parameters?
-- are used to replace a single value in sql, pl/sql
-- bind variable may be used to replace expressions in select, where, group, order  
    by, having, connect by, start with cause of queries.
-- bind reference may not be referenced in FROM clause (or) in place of
    reserved words or clauses.
   1) Select clause:
Select custid, nvl(commplan, :dfltcomm) commplan from ord;

1)     where clause
select ordid,total from ord where custid =:cust

2)     group by clause
select nvl(commplan, :dfltcomm)commplan, sum(total) total from ord group by nvl(commplan, :dfltcomm)

3)     having clause
select ordid, sum(total) total from ord group by custid having sum(total) > :mintoal

--lexical reference are place holders for the text that we embed in a select
-- You can use lexical reference to replace the clauses appearing AFTER select,
    From, group by, having, connect by, start with.
-- You can’t make lexical reference in a pl/sql statements.
   1) Select clause:
Select &p_ename name, &p_empno eno from emp;

   2) From clause:
Select ordid, total from atable;

4)     where clause
Select ordid, total from ord where &cust;

5)     group by clause
   Select nvl (commplan,dfltcomm)cplan,sum(total) total from ord group by

6)     having clause
   Select custid, sum (total)total from ord group by custid having &mintotal

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