
Sunday, May 28, 2017

SQL Interview Questions

1) DDL                                                                                                       
DDL is Data Definition Language statements. Some examples:
          -To create objects in the database

          -Alters the structure of the database
       Alter (column to be modify must be empty to reduce the size or to 
                  Change the datatype)
1)     alter table emp modify(ename varchar2(40));

       Add (to add new column or new constraints)
       1) alter table emp add(address varchar2(20));
       2) alter table emp add foreign key(dept number) reference dept(deptno) on
           delete cascade;

 3) DROP    
          -Delete objects from the database
        Alter table <Table name> drop column <column_name>
        Alter table <table name> set unused (last_name)
        Alter table <table_name> drop unused columns

         -Remove all records from a table, including all spaces Allocated for the records are removed

         -Add comments to the data dictionary

Difference between Delete and truncate
          Delete                                                              Truncate
1        DML                                                - It is DDL
2        It will mark the records to delete     - WE CAN'T ROLLBACK
3        We can rollback                               - WE CAN'T APPLY CONDITIONS
5        latter we use that space                    - It will releases the space and we can   
All this type of values are stored in user_unused_col_tab table

1)     Copy the rows of emp to emp1, if both are structure remains the same?
               Insert into emp1
                                select * from emp;
      2) If structure is not same, only the four columns in emp1?
               Insert into emp1
                          Select empno, ename, sal, deptno from emp;.

3) Copying the structure of emp to emp1 “As it is” Here data also copied?
     But here constraints will not be copyed?
         Create table emp2 as select * from emp;

     4) I want to copy the only structure of emp in emp1? Here no data will be
         Create table emp1 as select * from emp where 1=2;

Distinct key word:
1) Select all unique departments of employers?
     Select distinct deptno from emp;

In Operator:
   --- is to define a list of elements or values
   --- all the elements need to be enclosed with in paranthesis
1) list the emp those who are either clerks are analysis?
        Select * from emp where job in(‘clerk’,’analysis’);

Between operator:
    ---is used to spa city the range
    ---between operator not only work with numbers and also can work date datatype
1)list the employees of 1981?
        Select * from emp
                      Where hiredate
                      between ’01-jan-1981’ and ’31-dec-1981’;

2)display the empno, name, sal, annual sal of all the emp in the descending order of annual sal?
       Select eno, ename, sal,sal*12 annusal
                  from emp
                  order by annusal desc;

3)list the employees whose exp is ranging from 15 to 25 years?
       Select * from emp where (sysdate-hiredate)/365 between 15 and 25;

4) write a query to display emp details of those working on dept 30 as clerks with out commotion?
       Select * from emp where deptno=30 and job=’clerk’ and commotion is null;

5) Display the analyst & manager to the annual sal more than 30,000 working under some manager with out commotion with experience less than 30 years and whose name should not be equal to ‘blenk’ and who empno not equal to 7788 in descending order of salary?
      Select * from emp
                             Where job in(‘analyst’,’mamager’) and
                             Sal * 12 > 30,000 and mgr is not null and comm. Is null and
                             (hiredate-sysdate)/365 < 30 and
                             Name ! = ‘black’ and empno != 7788
                             Order by sal desc;

Like operator:
   --- is to match a pattern of characters
   --- the delimiters used along with like operator are -,%.
1)     all the 5 charactores names starting with S?
    select * from emp where ename like ‘S----‘;

2)     all 5 charactores ending with H?
    select * from emp where ename like ‘----H’;

      3)  list the emp who joined in the month which is started with A?
               Select * from emo where hiredate like ‘A%’;

4)     Those who joined in 1980’es?
    Select * from emp where hiredate like ‘%8_’;
2) DML                                                                                                                        
        - retrieve data from the a database

1)     INSERT 
 -insert data into a table

2)     UPDATE 
  -updates existing data within a table

1) Transfer the emp’s of research to accounting?
Update emp
Set deptno = (select deptno
                      from dept
                     where dname = ‘account’)
where deptno= (select deptno
                          from dept
                          where dname = ‘research’);

3)     DELETE   
               -deletes all records from a table, the space for the records remain
 1) Delete salesman without commotion?
          Delete from emp
          Where job = ‘salesman’ and comm. Is null;          

4)     CALL   
               -call a PL/SQL or Java subprogram

               -explain access path to data

6)     LOCK TABLE  
              -control concurrency

        - Mutating Table is a table that is currently being modified by a DML statement. For a Trigger, this is the table on which the table is defined.
3) TCL                                                                                                                    
TCL is Data Control Language statements.
         - save work done

2        SAVEPOINT      
              -identify a point in a transaction to which you can later roll back
Ex: savepoint (id) or (name)    

3        ROLLBACK     
             -restore database to original since the last COMMIT
Ex: rollback [to savepoint <savepoint name>]

-Change transaction options like what rollback segment to use Save point
Ex:     Commit(work);

5        Rollback:
        - Oracle Issues implicit commit before and after any DDL statement. Even if your DDL statement does not execute then also it Issues commit statement
             -If we issue commit all savepoints will be erased and all locks are released

4) DCL:

         --- Is used to issue the privileges to other valid users of data base
                 1) User level
                        --is granted by the DBA.
                 2) Object level
                       --These can be granted by one user to another user
      1) Give select, update permit ions to the user demo on emp?
                        Grant select, update
On emp
To demo;

2)     Grant all permitions to the user’s sys and system on salgrade table?
                 Grant all
                 On salgrade
                 To sys,system;
         ----To cancel the permitions
      1) cancle the select permition from the user sys the object salgrade?
                      Revoke select
                      On salgrde
                      From sys

Note:    1) user_pri_objects
                          2) user_table_pri
                          3) user_col_pri
          Select * from DICT where table_name like ‘userpri%’;

5) Intigrity Constants                                
      Null, Not Null, Default, Check, Primary Key, Foreign Key

1  Primary key :  not null+ unique +index+ referenced to another table column values(foreign key).
                            --one table can have only one primary key
                                  -- primary key’s we can’t update
2        Unique       it will not allow duplicate values and it accept null values can be defined at the column level and table level

3       Check   : it will check with column definition before accept. check constraint defines a condition that each row must satisfy references to the currval, nextval, level, rownum pseudo columns calls to sysdate uid user, and userenv. check cons. can be defined at the column level and table level

4        Foriegn Key:
      -foreign keys provide referential integrity rules wither within a table or b/w
- give reference to the primary key column.
    references    - identifies the table and column in the parent table.
   On delete cascade      - deletes the dependent rows in the child table when a
    row in the parent table is deleted.
   On delete set null       - converts dependent foriegn key values to null.     
   Cascade constraint    - the cascade constraints clause drops all referential
    integrity constraints that refer to the primary and unique keys defined on the  
    dropped columns
                                      -the cascade constraints clause also drops all multicolumn constraints defined in the dropped columns.

Diff between POST and COMMIT:
POST puts the data from client to the server’s Rollback segment whereas COMMIT put the data from rollback segment to the Table.

6) JOINS                                                                                                                     
 Def: -A join is used when a SQL query requires data from more than one table or the same table on the database.


1        EQUI-JOIN: If the relation ship between  the columns of different tables is establish by using an operator EQUAL TO is equi join.
Ex: 1) display the location of the smith?
               Select loc
               from dept, emp
               Where ename = ‘smith’ and
               dept.deptno = emp.deptno;      
2        NON-EQUI-JOIN: - If the relation ship between  the columns of different tables is establish by using an operator OTHER THAN EQUAL TO is equi join.
          Ex: 1) Select the details of the emp whose sal is more than smith salary?        
                             Select b.*
                              from emp a, emp b
                              where a.ename =’smith’ and b.sal >a.sal;

3        SELF-JOIN: A join relates a table to itself is called a self-join.
Ex: 1) display the details of the emp whose job is same as blacks job?
                    Select b.*
                    from emp a, emp b
                    Where a.ename = blake and a.job =b.job;
4 OUTER-JOIN: (+) always at the child side.(always child table)
     --You can use OUTER-JOIN to also see rows that do not meet the join
          --The outer-join operator is the plus sigh (+).
          --The missing rows can be returned if outer-join operator is used in join
          Ex: 1) display all the details of dept with or with out of employers?
                                 Select dept.*
                                  from dept, emp
                                  Where dept.deptno = emp.dept(+);

7)  SUB QUERIES->                                                                                               
-- A Sub query is a SELECT statement that is embedded in a clause of another SELECT statement.
            -- The inner query or the sub query returns a value that is used by the outer query or the   main query.
            -- You can write up to 255 sub queries.


1. Single-Row sub query: Query that returns only one row from the inner SELECT statement.
            Simple Query--This fires every time for entire stmt

Ex:1) display the details of the employers whose sal is more than smith
           select sal
                        from emp
           where sal >(select sal
                                             from emp
                                            where ename =’smith’);

2. Multiple-Row sub query: Query that returns more than one row from the inner SELECT statement.

SQL*Plus performs a sub query repeatedly once for every row of the main query.
Correlated Sub query - Which fires only once/ per row for entire stmt.
 Ex: 1) display the details of emp who are senior to their own manager?
                               Select * 
                               from emp y
                               Where hiredate < (select hiredate 
                                                               from emp y 
                                                               Where y.empno = x.mgr);

---These two clauses are to filter the values those are returned by sub query
---These two clauses are totally operator dependent that is the returning value is totally based on the operator used along with ‘any’ or ‘all’.
   Any è =1000 or =2000 or =3000 or =4000
   All  è =1000 and =2000 and 3000 and 4000
Ex: 1) display the employer whose sal is more than any employer of dept 20?
                               Select emp.*, sal 
                                from emp
                               Where sal > (select sal 
                                                        from emp 
                                                     Where deptno = 20);
               --- Here the query return only one value. So u have to use ANY or ALL
3)     display the employer who are drawing the sal more than all the employer of research department?
                         Select emp.* 
                         from emp 
                       where sal > all (select sal 
                                                     from emp,dept 
                                                  where dname =’research’  
                                                  and emp.deptno = dept.deptno);
8)  SET OPERATORS:                      
             - The SET operator combine the result of two or more component queries
                into one result.
              - Queries containing SET operator are called COMPOUND QUERIES.
              - All SET operators have equal precedence.

1. UNION: All distinct rows selected by both querys
   EX:1) To display the details of emp’s whose job is same as either ‘fold’ or ‘miller’
select job
from emp
                                 where job in (select job
from emp
                                                        where ename = ‘ford’)
                                 (Select job
 from emp
                                  where ename = ‘miller’);

          2) display the emp’s whose sal are same as any of the following……
               A) The sal of all the clerk of emp1 table?
               B) the 2/3rd sal of any manager with exp is more than 10 years of emp2 table?
                                    Select *
from emp
                                 Where sal = any (select sal
                                                               from emp1
                                                               Where job = ‘clerk’)
                                  Select 2/3 * sal
                                  from emp2
                                  where job = ‘manager’ and
                                  (sysdate-hiredate)/365 >10;

2. UNION ALL: All rows selected by both querys, including all duplicates.
    EX: select job from emp where deptno=10
                       union all
            Select job from emp where deptno=20
3. INTERSECT: All common rows selected by both queries.
    EX: select job from emp where deptno=10
            Select job from emp where deptno=20

4. MINUS: All distinct rows that are selected by the first SELECT statement and not selected in the second SELECT statement.
    EX: select job from emp where deptno=10
            Select job from emp where deptno=20

9) FUNCTINS                                                                                                  

1.      Name some conversion functions?
•TO_CHAR converts a number or date string to a character string.
•TO_NUMBER converts a character string containing digits to a number.
•TO_DATE converts a character string of a date to a date value.

                        Nested IF THEN ELSE
                        SELECT DECODE (ename, ‘Smith’, ’a’, ‘Something’);


These functions process a set of rows and return a single value
1. max ()
2. min ()
3. count ()
4. avg ()
5. sum ()
6. variance ()
7. stddev ()
NOTE: all group functions ignore null values in the column.
EX: SQL> SELECT job_id, SUM (salary) PAYROLL
                   FROM employee
                   WHERE job_id NOT LIKE '%REP%'
                   GROUP BY job_id
                   HAVING SUM (salary)>1000
                   ORDER BY SUM (salary);

Group by Clause:
        ---is to logically separate the data based on the one or more columns especially, to find the summaries.
Note :
       --- The columns those are specified in the group by are only allowed in the select. The columns other than the columns specified in the group by can also used in the select but some with group function.

Ex:1)    Select deptno,max(sal),min(sal),sum(sal),count(sal)
              from emp
              group by deptno

      2)  count emp by each location?
                Select loc,count(*)
                From emp,dept and Emp.deptno =dept.deptno
                Group by loc;

Having Clause:
       --- having clause is used to check the condition of multiple groups or conditions of group by.
Ex:1) display the details of dept’s where at least two clerks are working?
               Select ename,loc,deptno
               From emp,dept
               Where job=’clerk’ and emp.deptno = dept.detpno
               Group by dept.deptno,ename,loc
                Having count (*) >=2;
10)  indexes:                                                                                                              
  It improves the performance of some queries
1) Unique
A)   Heap
B)    Hash 
2) non unique
1)     create index <index name>
On <table name> [<col1>, <col2>];
2)     create unique index <index name>
On <table name> [<col1>, <col2>];
1)     Create index on sal column?
             Create index sal
             On emp
11) Views:

What is a simple view?
Logically represent subset of data from one or more tables
Syntax:  Create view <view name> <col1>, <col2>…..
              Select <col1>, <col2>….
              From <table1>, <table2>….
what is c complex view?
  A complex view is one that derives data from many tables, contains   functions or groups of data and does not always allow dml through the view.

What is inline view?
        An inline view is a sub query with an alias (correlation name) that you can use with in a sql statement .an inline view is similar to using a named sub query in the from clause of the main query.

 Select * from ( select empno, ename from emp where deptno =10)

Materialized views:                                                                    
- Materialized views provide indirect access to table data by storing the results of a   
   Query in a separate schema object.
- Another name for materialized view is snapshot.
- Materialized view can be stored in a same database or diff database.
- Data can be replicated using materialized view.e
12) Sequence :
      ----To generate primary key values.
Syntax:      create sequence <sequence name>
                  Start with <int>                             ---default 0
                  Increment by <int>                        --- 1
                  Min value/no min value <int>       ---0
                  Max value/no max value <int>      ---unknow
                  Cycle/no cycle                               ---no cycle
                  Cache/no cache <int>                    ---cache 20

1)     Create a sequence to generate a series of numbers from 1 to 1000?
                   Create sequence numbers
                    Start with 1,
                    Increment by 1,
                    Max value 1000;

13) Synonym:
     ----Alternative name for an object. (Nothing but creating permanent alias name)


1) Create a synonym for emp table?
            Create synonym E
            For emp

14) Oracle 8i features?
             1) Data management
             2) Scalability
             3) Oracle apps security managing
             4) Internet computing architecture
             5) Improve transaction processing

15) Can you create index on views?  No
16) Can views be specified in a trigger statement? No
17) Are views automatically updated when base tables are updated? Yes
18) Can a trigger written for a view? No
19) When a table is dropped, what happens to the view defined on that table?      View becomes invalid

20) normalization                                                                                             

        1) Break the data
        2) In order to sort the data
        3) Reduce the redundancy
        4) Normalization supports functional dependency
        5) Normalization does not support transactional dependency
        6) RDBMS supports functional dependency.
1nf   - unnormalised data transfer to normalized form.
2nf -  functional dependencies can be find out & decompose the table without loss of data.
3nf  - transist dependencies, every non-key attribute is functionally dependant on just pk.
4nf (bcnf)-the relation, which has multiple candidate keys, then we have to go for bcnf.
denormalization-at the same time when information is required from more than one table at faster rate then it is wiser to add some sort of dependencies.

21) how can we drop a table and its dependent integrity constraints?
                  drop table table [cascade constraints];

22) What is candidate key?
       Candidate keys are the columns in the table that could be the primary key.

23) Oracle instance?
           Background process

24) Which table stores subprogram errors?

25) What is the use of on delete cascade clause in a table?
–allows deletion in the parent table and deletion of the dependent rows in the child table.

26) What is p-code?
P-code is the compiled form of the source code of a subprogram.

27) Can primary key contain more than one column?
     Yes, but table contains one primary key.

28) Mutating tables?
       When a table is in state of transaction it is said to be mutaing.

29) psudo columns?
        1) curr val 2) next val 3) level 4) row id 5) row num

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